Start the free challenge today


Social Media Challenge



Click the button above to register for the free 14-day social media challenge. Within minutes, you'll be set to start your journey. It takes less than 2 minutes to sign up and get your first prompt!

Daily Inspiration via Text

Every day, at the same time you signed up, you'll receive a text with a unique prompt. This prompt will guide your social media post for the day, ensuring you always have fresh content ideas

Post, Engage & Monitor

Use the prompt to craft a post on your preferred social media platform. Engage with your followers, respond to comments, and track which posts get the most interaction. This challenge emphasizes building deeper connections, so your active participation is crucial.

Reflect & Stay Engaged

After the 14 days, evaluate your progress. Identify what resonated with your audience and adapt your strategy accordingly. While the challenge may end, the relationships you've nurtured can continue to grow. Stay active, and keep an eye out for more resources and challenges from us!

Daily Accountability

A Text a Day

You'll get a text every day at around the same time you sign up for the challenge to help remind you to continue to post.

Engaging Prompts

No More Guesswork

Each text provides a unique and engaging topic, ensuring your posts remain fresh and relevant to your audience.

Build Relationships

Go Beyond chasing "likes"

This challenge focuses on deepening connections, turning passive followers into active conversations about real estate.



Showcase Your Know-How

From debunking myths to highlighting market trends, position yourself as the go-to real estate expert in your community.

We ran a 30-Day Social Media Challenge at Whissel Realty Group. Here are some of our results!

Took 1 Listing + A Potential Buyer

"Beyond just posting – this challenge taught me the art of truly impactful social media!." - Tom Lux

From 0-180 Followers in 30 days

"Ditch the 'I, I, I' – discover how to truly serve and add value to your clients with this challenge!" - Jessica Romero

24,014 Increase In Reach

"I got into conversations about real estate with people I haven’t talked to in a while, and a buddy of mine is looking to transact end of the year or early 24." - Matt Minshall

Elevate Your Social Media Presence: A 14-Day Challenge for Real Estate Agents!

  • Deepen Connections, Not Just Followers: This challenge isn't about going viral or amassing a huge following overnight. It's about nurturing and deepening relationships with the people who already know, like, and trust you. Dive into meaningful conversations and ensure that no one in your circle ever thinks of another realtor before you.

  • Daily Guidance, Zero Guesswork: Say goodbye to the age-old question, "What should I post today?" With our 14-day challenge, you'll receive daily prompts directly to your phone, guiding you on what to share, discuss, and showcase. From highlighting your favorite communities to debunking real estate myths, we've got you covered.

  • Long-Term Impact with Short-Term Efforts:

    While this is a long-term strategy, many agents have seen immediate results. By consistently engaging with your audience and sharing valuable insights, you're not just posting; you're building trust, showcasing expertise, and opening doors to more real estate conversations.

    Join us and transform your social media game, one post at a time!

Social Media: The New Cornerstone of Real Estate

"Utilizing social media has allowed us to foster parasocial relationships, creating a sense of closeness and trust even without direct interactions. It's essential to be multifaceted online, showcasing not just our professional expertise as realtors, but also our genuine personalities and passions. By revealing our authentic selves, we bridge the gap between business and personal, ensuring clients see us as more than just agents, but as real people they can connect with and trust."

- Kyle Whissel, CEO, Whissel Realty Group

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